Monday, February 8, 2010

Shunt Success, So Far

Paton's out of surgery, and doing pretty well.  The neurosurgeon placed a "V-P Shunt" in the little fella.  It runs from the back of the right side of his head (from the Ventricles) down into his abdominal cavity (the P-word which I can't remember at the moment).  Hopefully the level of resistance in the shunt is less than the resistance in the pathway into the pocket on the back, so that it will not continue to fill up and then possibly put pressure on the brain.  There is a fairly small but significant risk of infection (8%) with this surgery.  There is also a possibility that the body will reject the shunt, as it might any foreign object in the body.  We have a friend whose body rejected three different shunt attempts.  However, at the moment the little fella's doing all right, and resting as long as mom is holding him.  She doesn't mind. : )    We made a friend here who's baby also has a shunt, so the kids all got to see what it would be like.  We have yet to come up with a good nickname for the little fella -- "little fella" might not seem quite right a few years from now.  Yesterday the kids came up with "milkshake."  Hannah is "cheeseburger", David's "chicken nugget," and Charis is "small fry."  Not so sure those'll stick, either.  We're just praying Pate Pate'll have a restful night tonight.  Thanks again for all your prayers.

I Will Give Thee Rest

Little Pate Pate hasn't had anything to eat since midnight, and we were so concerned it'd be a miserable night and morning for him, as he was not taken into surgery until just 45 minutes ago, about 1 PM. But God answered the prayers of so many of you, and enabled him to rest some. We took turns being with him from about 3 AM on, and he slept off and on, but he really wasn't ever too fussy. Finally this morning, he drifted off into a nice snooze before they finally came to take him. This was so much more peaceful that we thought, and we can't help believing this was of the Lord. The Lord also gave us peace and has kept us feeling fairly rested.

Nice Visit Yesterday

We had a nice little Family Time yesterday afternoon. The kids all enjoyed their little brother. Surgery is scheduled today for around noon. Poor little fella hasn't gotten to eat since midnight! :(