Monday, January 18, 2010

Up in the Air

Everything's up in the air. And confusing. The neo at the bedside is surprised the neuro is not calling for a shunt. The neuro is saying he doesn't think Paton needs a shunt! At least, not now. In fact, he's talking about sending Paton home!! But the nurses can't believe they'd send home a baby with as much swelling as Paton has on his back right now. And nobody seems to know for sure if the swelling in Paton's back is a build-up of CSF or just swelling from the surgery. The head circumference has shrunk for the last two days (a good thing -- no swelling), and we're hoping the head ultrasound this afternoon will confirm that there is no cerebro-spinal fluid building on the brain. So there are many good indicators. But we are a little nervous about having the baby come home this soon with still the swelling that he has. The neo said he would get a hold of the neuro "if it takes all day" and hopefully give us some more concrete answers by the end of the day. Meanwhile, we're taking CPR classes, checking into specialized modified car seats ("car beds"), following up on insurance stuff, and taking Grandma back to the airport. Thankfully, our church family has been so, so great in their offers to help in any way. One more great piece of news -- they've lifted the ban on children in the Children's Hospital! (swine flu) So after dropping off Grandma, we're all going in to see the little fella. Exciting!


  1. How exciting that the kiddoes get to meet their little brother today!! How encouraging that Paton's head circumference has shrunk! We are continuing to pray for all of you and for wisdom for the doctors ~ love you! Please let us know if you need anything at all!

  2. This is great news! What a mighty God we serve. As you stated, his head circumference shrinking is a very good sign indeed. It puzzles me that they would think of sending him home this early but that's why they're doctors and I'm not. I was in the hospital for over 2 weeks after I was born. Aside from the differences of doing many daily tasks, living with spina bifida is a life of peaks and valleys much like any other life. How great it is to know that the God on the mountain is still God in the valley. Hang in there and God bless.

  3. Guess we need to pray the doctors will have wisdom if they can't agree. The land of not knowing is where we do our growing. Still praying for you -- Diana

  4. Our kids didn't get to come to the hospital to see Lily back in November...flu season. So...I'm glad your kids get to see Paton today, especially since he's had to stay in the hospital a little longer than normal. :)I'm sure they're very excited to see him...and Mommy too!
    We'll continue to pray for Paton; we'll also pray that they'll not send him home too soon, and that you and Jen will be ready for that when the time comes.

  5. I am praying for you guys but it is so good to here that the other children can get in to see him. Love and prayers, Terri Carroll

  6. Thank you all for praying. We're thinking that tomorrow might be a day when we get some more information. God bless each of you for your labor of love.

  7. Da loves Paton and is praying everyday for his recovery. She is also praying for the rest of the family.

